I am 42 years old and have had 2 babies in the last 20 months. In that time, I became very unwell as my main organs struggled to function with the pressures of pregnancy. As a result I was placed on medication to assist my body, however I became increasingly unwell in the last trimester resulting in emergency c-sections. I was placed on 4 medications at the maximum dose – spending a total of 5 months in hospital. During this time the tests indicated the medication was attacking my liver and I increasingly became unwell. I discharged myself ignoring the Drs wishing to monitor me for another 3 months. I took myself off the medicine slowly trotting the quantities down. However my liver has been affected and my stomach began to swell and I would wake with painful flanks and sore feet, finding it hard to walk, feeling constantly exhausted and low. I realised I needed detoxing. I was drinking baking soda daily. A friend gave me a bottle of rongoa Moringa to try out. I googled it and saw that there would be no unwanted side effects longterm to my body. I took 1 tablet morning and night for 2 days – nothing happened. On the 3rd day i felt discomfort where I felt the herb was dislodging the toxins in my liver – and later in the day I expelled them – for the next 4 days. But not in a uncontrollable manner, although I chose to stay home for my comfort. on day 4 the soles of my feet hurt all day. Later in the evening again I experienced another detox episode expelling the toxins. By day 5 I noticed I no longer woke with sore flanks and sore feet and felt revived and refreshed with energy. I am so impressed I am telling my family and friends who have similar medical conditions – and like myself, their body is so full of the pharmaceutical poisons that its attacking their main organs, and now need immediate detoxification. I had no idea how poisoned I was. My swelling/bloat in my stomach has reduced significantly. My husband has now also started taking the product and he also experienced the detoxification effect – although his was immediately that same day. He insists we maintain taking the product for at least 3 months to ensure we both clean and purify our main organs.
Dora – Waikato
Dora – from Waikato
Jess – From Waitotara
I have been taking Energy Balance in the morning and Restoration and Well Being in the evening and on my first bottle of capsules. Up until then I had recurring candida problems a irritable bowel with other pains such as carpal tunnel pain and back pain since taking the capsules I have not had any of those problems and feel like a new women thanks spice of life.
Sherrill – from Palmerston North
“I had heel cracking and eczema in my ankle and foot. We took photos of it and after using the ‘Spice of Life’ Skin Balm within a few days it was almost gone.”
Nancy – from Waikanae
“I have had a lump on my knuckle for some time. The doctor says it is arthritis as it is painful constantly and worse in the cold weather. I tried the pain balm and within two days my pains had gone – but I am continuing to use it to reduce the size of the lump.”
Jean – from Marton
“I have had leg ulcers on both legs for a number of years and get a district nurse to change the bandages daily. I thought I would try the ‘Spice of Life’ Restoration and Strength capsules because of my condition. Not long afterwards the district nurse started saying how my legs had started to heal and it was then I said what I was doing and she was surprised and interested. I still have a long way to go but at least I am noticing changes for the better now.”
Jack – from Taumranui
“As a shearer I had stiff hands and arm each morning before shearing. That meant I could not grip my hand piece properly until my hands warmed up. Since taking the ‘Spice of Life’ Restoration tablets I have been more able to work better in the mornings. I tried stopping the capsules to see if it made any difference but I was back on them ‘quick as’ because my stiff hand and arm problem returned.”
Dianne – from Palmerston North
“My bowel movements have always been loose and urgent. After taking the wellbeing tablets I now have a solid bowel motion with no accidents and a better life than goodness.”
Larry – from Wanganui
“I had a colonoscopy some time back for a bleeding bowel and a lesion was found in my bowel. I have been taking the ‘Spice of Life’ Well Being capsules and when I went back for another examination some time later the bowel specialist couldnt believe that there was no sign of the previous condition and was expecting to give a much more grave health report.”
Sue – from Wanganui
“My grandaughter recieved a burn at school with a hot glue gun and it became infected. After a few days I applied the ‘Spice of Life’ Clear-A-Skin cream and it completly cleared up the condition.”